Welcome to the H Signs web site. I'm Neil Horne, hence the H, and I have over 25 years experience in the sign trade.
I originally specialised in traditional sign writing. Over the years the computer has become an important tool in the sign and print industry. But in recent years the the call for hand painted work has seen a resurgence. In response to that trend the bulk of my work is now handpainted. A hand crafted sign or design portrays so much more character than a digitally generated one. In an age of "corporate " identity the traditional image might just be what you need.
Within the next few pages you will find a small sample of sign work.
I strive to produce creative, eyecatching sign and design work that will enhance your business, providing the image you need.
A wide range of signs can be produced from traditional hand painted signs, including carved and gilded, to digital design and print.
You will also see the Art section that highlights airbrushed and painted projects including murals.